The Greatest Name
 Yá Bahá´u´l·Abhá
". . . the symbol of the Greatest Name represents an invocation which can be translated either as 'O Thou Glory of Glories' or 'O Thou Glory of the All-Glorious'. The word glory used in this connection is a translation of the Arabic term Bahá´, the name of Bahá´u´lláh." From a letter from Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá´ís of the United States and Canada, April 28, 1935.
Bahá'í Ringstone Symbol
The Nine-Pointed Star
"A simple nine-pointed star is generally used by Bahá´ís as a symbol of their Faith. The number nine has significance in the Bahá´í Revelation. Nine years after the announcement of the Báb in Shiraz, Bahá´u´lláh received the intimation of His mission in the dungeon in Teheran. Nine, as the highest single-digit number, symbolizes completeness. Since the Bahá´í Faith claims to be the fulfillment of the expectations of all prior religions, this symbol, as used for example in nine-sided Bahá´í temples, reflects that sense of fulfillment and completeness." Excerpted from The Bahá'í, a publication of the Bahá'í International Community.